Thursday, November 22, 2012

More stuff!

I've added more stuff to my store!

The Labeled Map of Trino is now also available on these products:
iPhone 5 cases 2 styles
iPhone 4 speck cases
iPhone 4 cases 2 styles
iPhone 3 speck cases
iPhone 3 cases 2 styles
iPod Touch speck cases
iPod Touch cases
iPad folio cases
iPad DODOcases
iPad Mini cases 2 styles
Samsung Galaxy S3 cases
Samsung Galaxy S2 cases
Samsung Galaxy Nexus cases
HTC Vivid cases
Droid RAZR cases
Blackberry Bold cases
Kindle cases

Don't Mess With the TREES! is now also available on these products:
iPad Mini cases 2 styles
iPad DODOcases

the Path of a Hero Emblem is now also available on these products:
iPad Mini cases * 2 styles
iPad DODOcases *

Masamune & Muramasa is now also available on these products:
iPad Mini cases # 2 styles
iPad DODOcases #

the YinYang Fire Cross is now also available on these products:
iPad DODOcases
iPad Mini cases 2 styles

*w/ title
#w/ 'which will choose you' added

That's it for now, mortalz. Enjoy!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Tu Long Academy

The Tu Long Academy, just above the twin waterfalls. From the sequel to 'Path of a Hero', "Hero's Path: Five Year Pilgramage: Book One: Chi" Done with Derwent Coloursoft Pencils.

It's available on these products:
Bags (totes) *, 7 styles
Bags (totes) #, 7 styles
Mousepads *
Mousepads #
Coasters, sandstone *
Coasters, sandstone #
Coasters, cork *
Coasters, cork #
Posters *, 4 paper types
Posters #, 4 paper types
Canvas *, 6 styles (# of panels)
Canvas #, 6 styles (# of panels)

*w/ name in chinese, #w/ name in english

Enjoy shopping mortalz! MEOW!!


Friday, October 19, 2012

YinYang FireCross

This is actually my 1st tattoo. I love yinyangs, crosses, fire, & tribal markings. Threw 'em all together & got this kool piece of art (if I do say so myself). &, yes, I know the eyes aren't there. Just prefer it that way. Meow. Done w/ acrylic paints.

It's available on these products:
iPhone 5 cases 2 styles
iPad folio cases
Keychains, acrylic - rectangle
iPod Touch cases
Blackberry Bold cases
iPhone 3 cases 2 styles
Dark Apparel 11 styles: Adults & Kids; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts
Keychains, acrylic - square
iPhone 3 speck cases
iPhone 4 speck cases
Keychains, basic 3 styles
iPad speck cases
HTC Vivid cases
iPod Touch speck cases
Samsung Galaxy S3 cases
Droid RAZR cases
Keychains, acrylic - round
Samsung Galaxy Nexus cases
iPhone 4 cases 2 styles
Samsung Galaxy S2 cases
Kindle cases

Enjoy, mor-TALZ! MEOW!!


~*Updated 10/1/17*~
Updated Binders link.

Don't Mess with the Trees!

Ah, yes, the trees are taking names & kicking ass! :P Done on paint (the program). Meow

It's available on these products:
White Apparel 31 styles: Adults, Kids, Toddlers, & Infants; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts
iPad folio cases
Keychains, acrylic 6 styles
iPhone 4 speck cases
Samsung Galaxy Nexus cases
Bumper Stickers
Kindle cases
Bags (totes), 7 styles
Keychains, basic 3 styles
Coasters, cork
iPhone 3 cases 2 styles
iPhone 3 speck cases
iPod Touch speck cases
Coasters, sandstone
iPod Touch cases
Samsung Galaxy S2 cases
Droid RAZR
iPad speck cases
iPhone 4 cases 2 styles
Blackberry Bold cases
iPhone 5 cases 2 styles
Samsung Galaxy S3 cases
HTC Vivid cases

Have fun shopping, mortalz! MEOW!!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Makes Onions Cry!

An onion crying, 'cause you made it! :P Done on paint (the program). It took awhile to do the onion. Had to use the spray can to get the blend from dark to light. It's got 6 or 7 dif shades of purple. Looks great though. Meow

It's available on these products:
Stickers, round
Aprons 3 styles (including a kids)
Bumper Stickers
Stickers, square
Buttons (pins): Round - 5 size,s & Square
White Apparel 31 styles: Adults, Kids, Toddlers, & Infants; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts

L8R mor-TALZ! MEOW!!


Masamune & Muramasa

This is Masamune, sword of light, & Muramasa, sword of darkness from ES Brenwalt's (my brother) book 'Path of a Hero' Done in acrylic paint. I actually drew these different than the way they're described in the book, but my brother liked these better so we went with 'em.

It's available on these products:
iPod Touch cases *
Blackberry Bold cases *
iPhone 3 cases *, 2 styles
Driod RAZR cases *
HTC Vivid cases *
Binders *
iPhone 4 cases *, 2 styles
Magnets, round #
Kindle cases *
iPad folio cases *
Posters #, 4 paper types
iPhone 4 speck cases *
iPhone 3 speck cases *
iPod Touch 4g speck cases *
iPad speck cases *
Mousepads *
Dark Apparel *, 11 styles: Adults & Kids; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts
Magnets, rectangle #, 2 styles
Coasters, cork *
Galaxy Nexus cases *
Coasters, sandstone #
Ties #
Samsung Galaxy S3 cases *
iPhone 5 cases *, 2 styles
Samsung Galaxy S2 cases  *

*w/ 'which will choose you' added, #just pic

Enjoy shopping, mor-TALZ! MEOW!!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Unlabeled Map of Trino

This is the unlabeled map of Trino, which is just the drawing of the labeled one before it was labeled. So yeah, done in Crayola Colored Pencils. Meow

It's available on these products:
Bags (totes), 7 styles
Mugs 7 styles
Keychains, basic 3 styles
Coasters, cork
Keychains, acrylic 6 styles
Posters 4 paper types
Coasters, sandstone
Canvas 6 'styles' (# of panels)

Have fun shopping mortalz! MEOW!!


~*Updated 10/1/17*~
Updated the mugs, posters, & canvas' links.

Labeled Map of Trino

This is a labeled map of Trino, Cyan & Magus' homeland. Done in Crayola Colored Pencils (it looked good, so I didn't redo it, might sometime, maybe). Stringfellow (my brother) labeled it on Greeting Card, I do believe.

It's available on these products:
Bags (totes), 7 styles
Keychains, basic 3 styles
Keychains, acrylic 6 styles
Posters 4 paper types
Coasters, sandstone
Mugs 7 styles
Coasters, cork
Canvas 6 'styles' (# of panels)

There you go, enjoy mortalz! MEOW!!


~*Updated 10/1/17*~
Updated the mugs & canvas' links.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


This is Magus, Cyan's best friend & magical rat from my brother's books 'Path of a Hero' & "Hero's Path: Five Year Pilgramage book 1 Chi" Done in Derwent Coloursoft Pencils.

It's available on these products:
Buttons (pins) #; Round - 5 sizes, & Square
Necklaces #, 3 styles
Coasters, cork *
Coasters, sandstone *
Ties *

* name added, # w/o name

Enjoy mortalz! MEOW!!



This is Cyankazu Omondi, the lead character of 'Path of a Hero' & its sequel "Hero's Path: the Five Year Pilgramage Book 1 Chi" Done in Derwent Coloursoft Pencils.

It's available on these products:
Necklaces #, 3 styles
Buttons (pins) #; Round - 5 sizes, & Square
Coasters, cork *
Ties *
Coastes, sandstone *

* name added, # w/o name

Enjoy mortalz! MEOW!!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Path of a Hero emblem

This is the 'Path of a Hero' emblem. Cyan & Magus in a yinyang. Masamune & Muramasa at the top & bottom (respectively). The stone in the center is the pommel of Masamune. Then some swirls, cause everything looks better w/ swirls. Meow. Done in Derwent ColourSoft Pencils.

It's available on these products:
Samsung Galaxy S2 cases *
iPhone 3 cases *, 2 styles
Dark Apparel #, 11 styles: Adults & Kids; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts
iPhone 4 cases *, 2 styles
iPod Touch 4g speck cases *
Blackberry Bold cases *
iPad folio cases *
Dark Apparel *, 11 styles: Adults & Kids; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts
Galaxy Nexus cases *
Mugs *, 7 styles
Coasters, sandstone #
iPhone 4 speck cases *
Coasters, sandstone *
iPad speck cases *
iPhone 5 cases *, 2 styles
Stickers #
Kindle folio cases *
White Apparel #, 31 styles: Adults, Kids, Toddlers, & Infants; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts
Coasters, cork #
Ties *
White Apparel *, 31 styles: Adults, Kids, Toddlers, & Infants; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts
HTC Vivid cases *
Coasters, cork *
Galaxy S3 cases *
Mugs #, 7 styles
Necklaces #, 3 styles
Droid RAZR cases *
iPhone 3 speck cases *
iPod cases *

* title added, # w/o title

Shop your hearts out mor-talz! MEOW!!


Monday, October 8, 2012

Bowl of Cashews

This is my 1st design. I had originally drawn it with colored pencils(crayola - that was before I got me some serious colored pencils), then did it over on paint(the program). I liked it better this way.

It's available on these products(so far):
-Dark Apparel, 11 styles: Adults & Kids; Tees, Longsleeved, & Sweatshirts
-Aprons, 3 styles(including a kids)
-Bags (totes), 7 styles
-Bumper stickers
-Buttons(pins): Round - 5 sizes, & Square

Have fun shopping mortalz! MEOW!


Friday, October 5, 2012

boosk-isms - the blog, the store

Welcome mortalz

This is my blog for my store - boosk-isms on Zazzle

I started in early 2011, but didn't get serious about it until early 2012. I finally got down to doing the homework, perfecting the pics I already had, then uploading & posting some products. And now I'm ready to start the tedious job of advertising.

First, the store itself. I called it boosk-isms because my nickname is Booska, has been since I was a baby. It stuck, for the rest of my life, & I'm proud of it. It is now my 'artist name' Speaking of art, that pic up there, that's my store's logo/banner. Done with Derwent Coloursoft pencils. I'll be posting products featuring original ideas (of course), as well as artwork I create for my brother's books - 'Path of a Hero' & 'Hero's Path: Five Year Pilgrimage - book 1- Chi' (& anymore books he writes)

As for my products, my next few posts will be about them, listing the particular products for each pic that I have up so far - I haven't even scratched the surface of what all I can make, there are tons of stuff! Anyway, then I'll post whenever I put something new up on Booskisms.

Hope you enjoy (and of course buy) my products! MEOW!!
