Friday, June 21, 2019

TriCon 2019

Uncle & the 3 Munchkins

Our 6th year going, & it was just as awesome as the 1st. Maybe even awesomer. << That's totally a word. Trust me, I just used it.

We sold some books/stuff, bought alot more stuff, saw a bunch of cool costumes like these:

I know, right!? 

All in all, it was a pretty great day. (a couple weeks ago, only now have the time to actually post. meow)

And I got to give a shout-out to out my 3 nieces who came this year. They did a really good job pushing sales (sold some of my products this year!), gave out all of our pamphlets & such (a couple hours before the end even), & they reallllly pushed the prize game (we gave out 17 copies of my brother's books this year!).




Can't wait for next year's!

Hope to seen you then!



~for more pictures (& some videos) check out my brother's facebook page