Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I'll drink to that!

Get ready to quench your thirst, peeps! 'Cause here's some awesome-tacular mugs!

Ice Wasp Mountain
Gold & Silver Tree*#
Bad Breath
Bowl of Cashews

These 3 are grouped together on this set of products, & they are called:

* Chrismas     # Christmas    ^ with text

And that's it for now. More soon, stay tuned!

L8R! Mor-TALZ!!



Monday, September 4, 2017


Hey, guess what! Zazzle recently launched a new product that will actually shimmer! It's foil greeting cards!
It's still rather limited, just a single color(either gold or silver) for the over-all picture that's etched onto the product(which, again, is only greeting cards, though in 3 sizes & 3 paper types). But maybe they'll eventually find a way to use, like, metallic ink or something. And to be able to pick & choose which parts you want to shimmer! Fingers crossed!

But enough wishful thoughts, onward to the post!

Gold &(or) Silver Tree*#
* Chrismas     # Christmas

I know, just the two, but that's all I've done on these so far. Hopefully I'll do some more soon.
Don't forget to pay attention to the holiday name spelling, to make sure you get your preference.


